Wednesday, February 26, 2014

NYC Art & Design Review

Collectors of Keith Haring Works File Lawsuit
Artist: Keith Haring
Article by: Benjamin Weiser

This picture is titled "unknown" it is by Keith Haring. This is one of the pieces of art that is being called "fake". Haring was primarily a graffiti artist supposedly, what people say. 
This article was mainly about the struggles Haring has faced with these trials, what it was mainly about the charges and the lawsuits. There wasnt much about his work in the article just a lot about what he is going through. 
In all the blog was extremely difficult to follow and read. The layout was poor and something that really bugged me was that it only allowed you to view 10 free articles before you were forced to subscribe. I feel like the blog could have been more user friendly and for sure could have been designed better. 
I really like graffiti art, I hoped the article had gone on more about his artwork rather than the accusations and trial at hand. In all I didn't enjoy it. 

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