Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lenscratch Review

555 Gallery: Barbarous Coast
Article By: Aline Smithson
Photography By: Neal Rantoul
555 Gallery: Barbarous Coasts

The blog Lenscratch is formatted with all the articles on the side of the page. The layout is very easy to understand and to read. The blog is very plain and helps keep everything simplistic. The article 555 Gallery: Barbarous Coast caught my eye due to the picture that was used for the preview. The article itself is about an art gallery that is opening up in south Boston. The gallery is to feature the art of selected upcoming artists. The article specifically points out two very different photographers. The one I was intrigued by was the work of Neal Rantoul. He is a prize winning Boston photographer and was also the head of photography at Southeastern University and has been there for 30 years. His latest work shows the abstracts of rock and formations of the cliffs in Iceland. The other photographer which I didnt feature is David Mattox, he is an Alaskan native whose work is mainly of fishing. Many of his pictures incorporate scenes found in everyday life from the Upper Cook Inlet of Alaska. He does nothing special, but because his picture are of his life, something he views everyday they are very personable. Im interested in Rantoul's work because nature is interesting to me. It is always something i've been around and will continue to be around. 

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