Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Glasstire Review

Bill Davenport

Taken by: Michael Mazurek

The Glasstire is set up and constructed differently than our "Blogger" blogs. Rather than the page flowing horizontally, the eye tends to move down the page laterally. The blog itself is set up in a row and column format and has posts to be viewed much like a newspaper article. Many of the blog posts  in fact seem such as a regular newspaper. The blog homepage has links for events, news, videos etc. Thats not the only cool feature, the blog also allows the viewer to see other stories from all over the state of texas, categorized like "East Texas", "DFW", "San Antonio", "Austin", "The Valley", "Houston", and "West Texas".

Bill Davenports article is structured around photographer and artist Michael Mazurek. The article is called House Plants. In the article Davenport writes about how Mazureks work brings plants that are on photographs or on paper to life. He talks about how the positions and colors used make the art stand out like none other he has ever seen. He mentions how Mazurek uses a bright background to make the color of the plants pop, also the color of the plants pots have much to do with how it meets the eye. There was not much that factored into my decision to pick this article, I honestly just chose one at random. I think that the article ended up opening my eyes to the necessity of color and the power of contrast that is contributed to the picture. I found it interesting that when placed in galleries the art is usually larger and higher on the wall than other work that is present. The thing that stuck with me the most when finishing the article up was that Davenport was so struck by the photos he never even noticed the live plant that was next to him the entire time. That just shows how truly life like Mazurek's work really is. 

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