Friday, April 4, 2014

Panorama Project


(John Stortz)

I love this image, not only am I a big cat lover but also enjoy nature shots. I think I like this photo so much because its house cat meet nature. Not only does the domesticated cat have traits of wild cats but in this photo Stortz does a great job of mixing "tame" with "wild". This might sound stupid, but all tame house cats have a bit of wild in them, I believe that a cat never loses all its wild side. As far as the picture quality, all the colors pop. This photo is perfectly symmetrical. Cats have a mind of their own and I could only imagine how tough it could have been to keep the kitty in the middle of the board walk. John Stortz has great work and im looking forward to seeing more of his work. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Triangle Triangle Picture Review

(Xavier Encinas)

Due to the blog no longer existing, we have been asked to critique one of the pictures that had been posted to the site. And after looking at all the images that were posted this one spoke to me, I preceded to continue to look through more but found myself going back to this particular photo. I love this photo. Im not quite sure where this picture is taken or even if this isn't abstract but I do know that i love it. At first glance this image looks to be like a scene from a desert. As you look closer one begins to notice that the plants and shrubs are on the side of a building. Im intrigued by the colors in this image. The greens pop against the gray of the sky. The photographer let nature do all the hard work while he simply captured the image.